martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

Famous people!! (FRANCE)

In France there are a lot of important people like: Claude Monet, Victor Hugo, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Jeanne d'Arc, Napoléon Bonaparte, Louis Braille, Louis Pasteur, Gustave Eiffel, Jean Cocteau, Gustave Flaubert, Jean Paul Sartre, Voltaire, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Blaise Pascal, François Jacob, Blaise Pascal, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Jean Reno, Jean Rochefort, Pierre Cardin and more.

But i´m going to explain some of them, Claude Monet was the leading member of the Impressionist painters. His most famous painting is the "Water-lillies" which he painted in the elaborate garden he had made for himself.

Moreover, Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) who designed the Eiffel Tower for the World Fair in 1889 which marked the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution; as i already said, originally the intention had been to design and build a temporary structure for the Fair, but the Eiffel Tower proved so popular that it remains standing today.

Also, Napoleón Bonaparte, He was known as the savior of the republic, he was an important person, because he tried to "save" France, and he fougth for this country and also he did a dictatorship to save some thing from the revolution.

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